Friday, August 26, 2011

Guest Post: Dining on a Dime (or less!)

The below post is compliments of my roomie and fellow frugal mcdougal, Katie Corsetti. Read more on her blogs, The Abbreviated Confessions of a Twenty-Something and Better With Bacon.

When dining out, it seems that restaurants are just giving away home necessities.  They do this to make sure you are completely satisfied in your choice to go to their location and consume their products. Well, the last time you went to Chick-fil-a and you needed ketchup, didn’t you notice that it was already sitting on the counter behind you along with other dining accoutrements? Here’s my few tips and tricks to save a few bucks on free stuff that we as consumers already pay for because they are built into the  cost of the food

 Any time you get a meal always ask for the accoutrements or take more than you need if they are on the counter / table. For example:
 Ketchup, mayo, and mustard packets
  Jelly and jams packets / tins
Salt and pepper packets
 Any sauce you may enjoy (EX: Polynesian, honey mustard, BBQ etc etc)
 Sugar packets
 Creamers (some may be iffy about this because it is dairy, however, I deem it to be fine because it’s been sitting on the counter for a hot minute anyway, plus its been packaged)

Think about it.  These dining necessities are already built into the cost of the meal.  The restaurant has to make a profit after everything is all said and done.  So what do they do? They make all the above “free” to you but in reality, they over price the meals to make up the difference. Therefore, since you have already purchased a meal, you can use as much or as little as you need of any of these items.  Restaurants bank on the fact that most people won’t ask for any or only need a few of these, so what’s the difference if you snag a few more?  For things like ketchup and jelly, I bring these to work so that my snack cabinet in my cube is stocked.  Now I don’t have to buy an extra ketchup and jelly, plus I don’t have to keep it in the work fridge (ours gets emptied every Friday. BUMMER!) I’m not saying to take 3 handfuls or ask for 20 packs of anything, but if you snag a few extra, no one will notice or care

Get a meal big enough for you to eat only half…then take the 2nd half home as left-overs! Now you have two (sometimes even 3!) meals from one AND you’re not over stuffed at the dinner table (bonnnusss) You’ve just turned one $7.79 dinner into three $2.60 meals

  Anytime you eat somewhere that gives you a “starter” or what I like to call “filler” such as bread, corn bread, rolls, or chips and salsa, ask for another basket (its free!! Read: built into the price of your meal already) and take it home with the 2nd half of your leftovers.  Now you have bread / rolls to add to your next meal or just stick the bread in the food-pro and make them into bread crumbs for frying your chicken in

  If you order a drink like coke, tea or sprite, always get a to-do drink! (sorrryyyy the law says no to-go margaritas or beerskis…. ) You’ve already paid for it and most places will give you free refills. To get the most bang for your buck, ask for no-ice and you can take it home to add your own ice.  Ice fills up the cup and you are robbed almost 50% of the drink!! Rude! This also goes for drive-thru drinks too!

Anytime you go to the grocery store or to target, save the bags!! Use them as garbage bags in your bathroom.  Take your lunch to work in them.  Bring food to a friend’s house in them. You can use these bags for everything and anything. They are so handy and now you don’t have to purchase a lunchbox OR trash bags for your small trashcan in your bedroom/bathroom. They were given to you fo’ free!
This last one is not  food related, but, I’ve found that if you go to a hotel and stay more than one night, put the shampoo and conditioners in your bag. The house keeping will replenish it in the morning! Or, you can call down to the front desk and ask for more. These are also built into the cost of the room. Now you have shampoo and conditioners for when you travel to places without housekeeping and you don’t have to buy / bring it. It makes your travel bag lighter and saves you a little extra cash!

Call me frugal. Call me cheap. Call me a penny pincher. Call me whatever you want. All I know is that over time I’ve saved at least $100 on NOT purchasing the above items, but instead using what I already paid for and not feeling guilty about it!  Try it out! 

Tell your bank account you’re welcome in advance, 

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