Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ballin on a Budget, I have no choice...

Bargaining is in my bones. I'm thinking it's mostly because I grew up in a home where money didn't grow on trees, and basically paying the least amount of money possible for something, wasn't just an added plus, it was a way of life. My mom and dad were Store Brand Warriors. As a kid, we got the huge Bags of Cereal, and it would be like Schmapple Jacks or Captain Bunch or some knock off, but when you stripped away the knockoff name, the quality was just as good. We got Sam's Cola instead of Coke, Arm and Hammer instead of Tide, and the only thing that my mom refused to buy the generic of was Bounty.... oh- and wavy lays potato chips. I grew up knowing that while money was valuable, so was living comfortably. Hats off to my parentals for teaching me this. It’s proven to be the most valuable lesson of my life and a creed that governs my existence.

At the top of my blog, you’ll see I’ve posed the question “Why be broke, when you could be fabulous?!” It's become a personal motto of mine....I’m not gonna lie to ya’ll for one second and say that I don’t love to shop. I do. But I just can’t deal with that sinking feeling when you’ve just bought the most fabulous dress ever, at full price, and then you have no idea how you’re going to afford to put gas in your car to get to the place where you’re supposed to wear said fabulousness, much less buy wine when you get there! I’m not sure about you, but my meager income does not allow me to buy full price, well…. Full price ANYTHING. But I don’t let this stop me for one second. I have found out the cheapest way to buy almost anything while still being fab, chic and classy, and would love it if you’d join me in my growing knowledge of bargaining, re-purposing, shopping, cooking and just generally Ballin on a Budget.  From Groceries to Fashion, Wine to Cable Services, Furniture to Vacationing-- Keep following and I bet you’ll save a bunch, or at the very least swindle some sweet tips and tricks J

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