Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Breakfast for Days!

Lately, Shane and I have both been on hectic work schedules leaving us to buy a biscuit or hope there's breakfast at work. Not exactly such a good plan. I'd always seen those make-ahead-freezer breakfast burritos flying around on pinterest and thought I'd try my own Egg McMuffin version.

I'm not the hugest fan of regular sausage patties, toooooo greasy for my likings and I've recently been trying to use egg whites in conjunction with our scrambled eggs to cut the cholesterol and up the health factor.

So were born a rather DELICIOUS batch of breakfast sandwiches that we can grab for crazy week day mornings!

Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches
16 english muffins (Kroger had these bad boys on sale 4 6 packs for 5 dollars!, Price per Unit, $0.21)
16 slices of cheese (1.99 per pack, $4.00, ppu $0.25)
8 eggs and half of a large carton of egg beaters (I already had this, but I'd estimate that you could use a whole carton of either and the cost would be around $4.00, ppu $0.25)
16 Turkey Sausage Patties ($5.00, ppu $0.31)
Plastic Wrap, 200 feet ($1.99, ppu $0.01)
Sandwich Bags, 100 ct ($1.99, ppu $.02)

1. Toast all muffins and top with cheese (be careful not to close the tops on the cheese otherwise they get stuck together. Yeah. I did this. DA.)
2. Line the turkey sausage patties up on a large cookie sheet and broil for 7 minutes, flipping once halfway through. Add these on top of cheese.
3. Scramble the eggs/eggwhites after seasoning with salt and pepper. I left mine a little runny, knowing that they would firm up in the microwave on reheating.
4. Add a scoop of eggs on top of the sausage and immediately close with the top half of the muffin.
5. Wrap muffins in plastic wrap and stick in a sandwich bag and into the freezer they go!

To Reheat, let thaw out a bit on way to work (30 min-1 hr) and nuke for 70 sec.

Cost for all supplies (I had 6 leftover muffins, and tons of leftover plastic wrap and bags): $22.00
Cost per Sandwich: $1.05
Cost of Chickfila Biscuit: $2.29
Cost of Mickey D's McGriddle Combo: $6.00 and one heart attack.

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